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Reliability Analysis | CMMS Software | Improve Reliability

CMMS Software with Reliability Analysis

No other CMMS software implements military standard reliability analysis. Improve equipment reliability analysis by integrating reliability analysis with preventive maintenance. This guides the maintenance manager to optimized preventive maintenance task lists.

Reliability Analysis in a CMMS Software Solution

This CMMS package is the only maintenance software solution that includes a reliability analysis module. Moreover, MaintSmart uses AMSAA (army material systems analysis activity) standard, the same reliability analysis method that the United States military uses. Reliability analysis in this CMMS software provide several important KPIs. The KPIs listed below are useful in determining how often an equipment item may fail. Likewise, these KPIs analyze how well your current preventive maintenance program is working. Additionally, MTBF (mean time between failure) for specific failures on specific equipment, guides the maintenance manager with setting appropriate preventive maintenance task intervals used to prevent future equipment failures.

Reliability module addresses these questions:

How Can Reliability Analysis Improve a Maintenance Management Program?

MTBF – Reliability Analysis

Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)

Mean time between failure (MTBF) represents the average time between unexpected equipment failures.

The reliability CMMS software module calculates MTBF based upon equipment failure data. Indeed, MaintSmart is the only CMMS software that includes a dedicated equipment failure tracking (equipment downtime) module with the base program. This equipment downtime collecting capability makes it possible for the program to provide an analysis of reliability, OEE and equipment failure statistics and charting.

Failure Rate

Failure rate predicts the percentage chance of an equipment failure occurring during a specific time period. Additionally, this reliability analysis method determines whether the failure rate is increasing, decreasing or remaining static. Most importantly this valuable information is simple to access and leverage to your benefit in the CMMS reliability analysis module. If failure rate is increasing, this indicates that failures are occurring more often and corrective measures should be taken. A decreasing failure rate could indicate that whatever the maintenance team is doing is working and is a validation of their PM plans and efforts.

Adjust PM Intervals with Objective Data

This analysis module offers a powerful function that compares MTBF to preventive maintenance task intervals for tasks that are considered preventive tasks to the particular failure cause(s) used to obtain MTBF.  The preventive maintenance task intervals are adjusted directly from the reliability analysis screen . By using this function the maintenance manager is assured that he is using real data to make important decisions regarding preventive maintenance.

What is Failure Rate?

Failure rate predicts the percentage chance of an equipment failure occurring during a specified time period and is rate of failure is improving (fewer failures) or not.

Reliability Analysis Failure Rate Reliability Analysis MTBF and Preventive Maintenance

MTBF and Preventative Maintenance Task List

Adjust preventive maintenance task intervals from the reliability analysis screen based upon MTBF.

What Are Benefits of Using the Reliability Module?


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